2019-08-292019-08-292011-05CORREIA, Adriano. Sobre o trágico na ação: Arendt (e Nietzsche). O que nos faz pensar, Rio de Janeiro, v. 20, n. 29, p. 59-74, maio 2011.0104-6675http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18038This paper I intend to examine preliminarily the possibility of identifying a tragic sense of human action, inspired by the Hannah Arendt’s work, connected with some basics Nietzsche’s insights. Arendt and Nietzsche understand human action as unavoidably contingent, including with regard to the relationship between agent and act. By this reason, the action is always exposed to risk and vicissitudes, so that the capacity to start something new is always dependent on a reconciled relationship with the past. Our hypothesis consists in argue that the dynamic of forgiveness in Arendt’s The human condition is analogous to the role of forgetting in Nietzsche’s thinking.porAcesso AbertoAçãoImprevisibilidadeIrreversibilidadePerdãoPromessaEsquecimentoActionUnpredictabilityIrreversibilityForgivenessPromiseForgettingSobre o trágico na ação: Arendt (e Nietzsche)Artigo