2022-08-192022-08-192022-04-13ALMEIDA, Maria Alice Bernardes de. Altas habilidades e superdotação: quem são esses sujeitos invisíveis? 2022. 42 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21175The present research aims on reflecting about people with High Abilities/Giftedness and who these individuals are, general characteristics and their intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships. It also reflects on social and emotional matters which surround those individuals' universes. This is a bibliographic study of qualitative approach, which uses theoretical sources such as scientific articles, books, academic texts and laws related to the theme. Among the main authors who supported this discussion are: Andrade et al. (2021), Antipoff e Campos (2010), Araújo (2011), Barreto e Mettrau (2011), Chagas e Fleith (2011), Cunha e Rondini (2020), Fernandes e Viana (2009), Martins, Pedro e Ogeda (2016), Mendonça, Rodrigues e Capellini (2020), Oliveira et al. (2021), Rangni e Costa (2014) e Virgolim (2007; 2021). The study is divided into two chapters. In the first one, the main goal was to discuss the definitions and characteristics which devise the high abilities/giftedness field. Furthermore, discusses these individuals' interpersonal relationships, highlighting possible social vulnerability situations. The second chapter talks about this individual’s relationship between school and family matters. Bringing an emphasis on social and emotional subjects and the exhaustion of teachers and students. The high abilities/giftedness field is complex and filled with different aspects, therefore this study highlights the importance of deepening researches in order to lower myths and tabus to facilitate the identification of these individuals, to provide a proper educational background and orientation to families and professionals who will work directly with these people – specially teachers and psychologists – who work and will work in the field.porAcesso AbertoAltas habilidadesSuperdotaçãoEducação inclusivaRelacionamentos intrapessoais e interpessoaisQuestões sociais e emocionaisEsgotamento educacionalHigh abilitiesGiftednessIntrapersonal and interpersonal relationshipsInclusive educationSocial and emotional mattersEducational exhaustionAltas habilidades e superdotação: quem são esses sujeitos invisíveis?High abilities and giftedness: who are these invisible subjects?TCC