2020-01-222020-01-222013-08HERBETTA, Alexandre. Sobre como virar pássaro: transformações corporais no sertão nordestino. Revista Nures, Perdizes, v. 8, n. 21, p. 1-8, maio/ago. 2013.e- 1981-156Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18548The cure for Kalankó is related to the access of a vital energy, called enchanted. For this feature, the subjects of the group should establish contact with the enchanted spiritual universe, basis of religion there. This contact occurs through the chants, i.e., the acoustic code that acts on the body and make changes. In this scenario, the enchanted entities are identified as birds and Indians with flowers. To some extent, one could say that the curing occurs in pollination process.porAcesso AbertoCorpoTransformaçãoBodyTransformationSobre como virar pássaro: transformações corporais no sertão nordestinoArtigo