2021-09-022021-09-022010REGINO, Sueli Maria de Oliveira. Representações simbólicas da homossexualidade em El público de García Lorca. Terra Roxa e Outras Terras, Londrina, v. 18, p. 58-66, 2010.1678-2054http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19835This article examines by means of the symbolic hermeneutic the representations of homosexuality in Federico García Lorca’s play El publico. The images and mythemes found in this text conduct to the identification of the narrative leading myths and reveal the form by which these representations occur. The masks that hides deep truths when are taken off reveal doubles and metamorphosis, exposing the power relations among the players and the behaviors of a hypocrite society that penalizes what it considers “sexual offenses”.porAcesso AbertoHomosexualityHomossexualidadeSymbolismMetamorphosisSimbolismoMetamorfoseRepresentações simbólicas da homossexualidade em El público de García LorcaSymbolic represenations of homosexuality in Garcia Lorca’s El públicoArtigo