2021-09-242021-09-242013-12COELHO, Saulo de Oliveira Pinto. O sujeito universal de direitos universais como núcleo da totalidade da realidade do Direito no pensamento atual de Joaquim Carlos Salgado: homenagem aos 70 anos do jusfilósofo mineiro. Meritum, Belo Horizonte, v. 8, n. 2, p. 469-496, jul./dez. 2013.e- 2238-69391980-2072http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19923This paper presents a reflection on the current stage of thinking of the legal philosopher, Joaquim Carlos Salgado, to establish the core features of his reflexive approach to legal reality and highlight the concept of the Universal Subject of Universal Rights as the “bedrock” or key concept of his reflections on current law. The systematic review method is applied to the author’s texts by focusing on his recent production based on a reflective approach, and by seeking to situate his thought in the philosophical and legal context, thereby revealing the strength of his assertions on today’s Idea of Justice. It concludes that there is a need to reinstitute the concept of subject of rights as a key to understanding the entirety of the legal phenomenon in the transformation of the experience of Western ethical culture, as masterfully presented by the renowned Minas Gerais thinker.porAcesso AbertoPhilosophy of LawFilosofia do DireitoIdea of justiceJoaquim Carlos SalgadoSubject of rightsFundamental rightsIdeia de justiçaJoaquim Carlos SalgadoSujeito de direitoDireitos fundamentaisO sujeito universal de direitos universais como núcleo da totalidade da realidade do Direito no pensamento atual de Joaquim Carlos Salgado: homenagem aos 70 anos do jusfilósofo mineiroThe universal subject of universal rights as the totality of rights core content according to the current thinking of the legal philosopher, Joaquim Carlos Salgado: a tribute to the legal philosopher on his 70th birthdayArtigo10.46560/meritum.v8i2.2176