2020-04-082020-04-082014-02DIAS, Luzia Renata Oliveira et al. Fundamentos da exploração ecográfica parte I: princípios biofísicos. Pubvet, Londrina, v. 8, n. 4, p. 1-28, fev. 2014.e- 1982-1263http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19001Ultrasound is a method of obtaining images by sound pulses operated at frequencies from one to twenty MHz, conveyed into the body that are reflected in the form of an echo. Besides being a technique with no ionizing radiation allows real-time assessment. An ultrasound wave is a form of acoustic energy generated when multiple piezoelectric crystals vibrate into a transducer at a high frequency. The examination is based on three-dimensional digital reconstruction of a two-dimensional image acquired through common multifrequency transducer. Optimizing images in grayscale can be obtained by adjusting the flow of power, gain, focal zone, field of view, density of lines, curves, gray scale, dynamic range and persistence. The tool Doppler associated with conventional ultrasound provides real-time information on the vascular architecture and hemodynamic aspects of vessels in several organs and can be demonstrated by pulsed Doppler, color Doppler and power Doppler. Thus, the aim with this study was to review the biophysical principles of ultrasound scanning, since they are of fundamental importance for the diagnostic aid in veterinary medicine.porAcesso AbertoCristais piezoelétricosDopplerEcografiaUltrassomEchographyPiezoelectric crystalsUltrasoundFundamentos da exploração ecográfica parte I: princípios biofísicosFundamentals of ultrasound exploration part I: biophysical principlesArtigo