2023-09-052023-09-052023-08-24SOUSA, Marcelo Alves de. Futsal feminino na UFG: análise da motivação das atletas a partir das diferentes metodologias de treinamento do futsal. 2023. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Educação Física) - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/23571The main objective of the study is to investigate the adaptation of the athletes to the training methods used by the coach of the female futsal team of the Physical Education course at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Being, in turn, the central purpose of the project, to understand the training methodologies and strategies employed by the trainer; to analyze the adaptation difficulties of the athletes within the methodologies used and what motivates them to maintain constancy in training during preparation for interuniversity competitions. In this sense, the objective is to identify the level of frequency of athletes in training that precede competitions, even though they have a large workload of studies and work, and thus understand the internal and/or external aspects that influence this frequency and adherence about the training methodologies used. The main competition for which this preparation is carried out is the “OmaiorInter”, considered one of the largest university events in the Midwest, where students from all UFG courses gather in a sporting and festive event, aiming at an amateur competition. with its own regulation. The training phase takes place over a period of one year. We opted for a research of a quantitative and qualitative nature, the necessary techniques for data collection will be the application of previously established interviews, and the practical observation of the activities carried out. The subjects participating in the research will be the coach and his team of athletes.porAcesso AbertoFutsalUniversitárioTreinamentoFemininoMotivaçãoFutsalUniversityTrainingFemaleMotivationFutsal feminino na UFG: análise da motivação das atletas a partir das diferentes metodologias de treinamento do futsalWomen's futsal at UFG: analysis of the motivation of the athletes from the different futsal training methodologiesTCC