2019-12-102019-12-102014-12REIS, Helena Esser dos. O que nos faz agir? Discussões filosóficas sobre os fundamentos dos direitos humanos. Prometeus, São Cristovão, v. 7, n. 16, p. 265-276, jul./dez. 2014.e- 2176-5960http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18421The discussion surrounding human rights seems to me an important contribution that the ones who dedicate to political philosophy can give to the contemporary globalized and interdependent world. Analyzing ideas and conceptions that appear obvious or unanswerable and by means of the interdisciplinary academic dialogue and with people in general, we can seek for bigger clarity about the foundations of the human action. It’s not about offering answers, but about thinking and speaking publically about the insertion and the responsibility of people in the world. Here, then, the purpose of my exposition: having the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a base, I invite you to talk about what makes us act. Or, more precisely, about the common act – to one another – so that everyone can participate integrating the community. I will begin investigating some articles of the Declaration, trying to discern what must guide the actions of each individual and the civil and political institutions. Next, evidencing the need – recognized by the Declaration itself – of an effort of teaching and education for the effectuation of actions based on the respect to its principles, we will pass to discuss the kind of effort requested. Finally we will search to understand the sense that teaching and education gain in the ambit of the Declaration discussing about the possibility of adjustment between principles and action. However, this seems to me the Gordian knot of effectiveness of human rights in the contemporary world. There is not an answer; I believe that it’s a construction to be made by the public discussion, with the participation of all. Well, it’s to this discussion that I invite you.porAcesso AbertoFundamentosDireitos humanosPrincípiosAçãoEducaçãoFundamentalsHuman rightsPrinciplesActionEducationO que nos faz agir? Discussões filosóficas sobre os fundamentos dos direitos humanosArtigo