2021-09-222021-09-222021-05-31SILVA, Jaqueline Silvestre. Afrobetizar: personagens negros na obra de Kiusam de Oliveira. 2020. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19897The title of this work is “Afrobetizar: black characters in the work of Kiusam de Oliveira”, it arose from the concerns of observing children's literature, which is such a present instrument in pedagogical work. It makes a brief historical outline highlighting the relevant points of the path that black people have taken in the history of Brazil, their obstacles to accessing education, structural and institutional racism, and how these issues reflect in the school context. Its main objective is to approach “afrobetizar” as a new concept of teaching-learning that involves Afro- Brazilian and African history and culture, with this new approach being a possibility of anti-racist education in practice. It has the specific objectives of understanding how racism affects education and reflecting on how children's literature interferes in the formation of readers in early childhood. The fact that few black characters appear in children's stories, it was noted that this approximates their absence in the books and/or reinforces stereotypes and bad conceptions of being black. On the other hand, the work seeks to highlight the importance of Kiusam de Oliveira as a black author, educator and creator of content that is relevant to overturning paradigms about black identity in childhood and combating racism. She portrays black characters positively in her work, and gives them protagonism and representativeness. Two works by the author were analyzed: the books The world in Tayó’s black power and The Akin's black power, both with black protagonists whose trajectories are marked by their curly hair in a black power hairstyle.porAcesso AbertoAfrobetizarPersonagens negrosKiusam de OliveiraEducação antirracistaAfrobetizar: personagens negros na obra de Kiusam de OliveiraAfrobetizar: black characters in the work of Kiusam de OliveiraTCC