2017-12-282017-12-282008-12ARAÚJO, Alexandre Martins de. Trinidad século XIX: estratégias culturais entre indianos e afro-descendentes na festa muçulmana do Hosay. Mosaico, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 2, p. 232-244, jul./dez. 2008.e- 1983-780110.18224/mos.v1i2.583http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13297This study is on the relationship between Indian and African Descendant Community in Trinidad during the nineteenth century. Theses two populations coexisted under the tense atmosphere involving all kinds of stereotypes, dispersion policies and interest wars from local gazettes playing in defense of each involved group. Thus arises the following question: how was it possible for the two groups to work together, that is, in the same space of plantation, without serious conflicts? A probable response to this question is found on perception of existence of cultural negotiation spaces, built up by circumstance of “liminal stage”, into the “journeys”, in which people from different cultures can temporally seeing each other without social status. In face this situation of impact, such populations played a series of symbolical resources from your cultures for to obtain necessary autonomy in terms of building your festive- religious spaces and hence to subvert the discursive order of the elite.porAcesso AbertoImigraçãoAfro-descendentesNegociação culturalIndianosTrinidadImmigrationCultural negotiationAfrican descendantsTrinidadIndiansTrinidad século XIX: estratégias culturais entre indianos e afro-descendentes na festa muçulmana do HosayArtigo