2021-05-112021-05-112015-03PREUSS, Elena Ortiz; FONTES, Ana Beatriz Arêas da Luz ; FINGER, Ingrid. Efeito cognato no processo de lexicalização bilíngue. Letras de Hoje, Porto Alegre, v. 50, n. 1, p. 73-83, 2015.0101-3335http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19462This article presents a study that aimed to verify both the crosslinguistic interference effects and the cognate effect in the speech of Portuguese-Spanish bilinguals. The materials, designed within the picture-word interference paradigm, interference effects (semantic, phonological/ orthographic and identity) in interaction with the cognate effect (cognates, non cognates and false cognates) were manipulated. The results constitute strong evidence that the cognate status of the words plays an important role in the bilingual lexicalization process, because it seems to affect distinctively the crosslinguistic interference effects. Furthermore, evidence that the interactivity principle can be functional between languages was also observed.porAcesso AbertoBilinguismoInterferência interlinguísticaProdução da falaStatus cognatoBilingualismCrosslinguistic interferenceSpeech productionCognate statusEfeito cognato no processo de lexicalização bilíngueCognate effect in the bilingual lexicalization processArtigo