2017-03-232017-03-231994-01PEREIRA, Ledice Inácia de Araújo; SOUZA, Marta Antunes de; SOUZA, Luiz Carlos Silva; SILVA, Anita Bernardes da; GOMES, Ivete Vieira; PINTO, Raimundo Nonato Leite. Acompanhamento clínico-Sorológico de profissionais de saúde expostos a materiais biológicos de pacientes portadores de vírus de imunodeficiência humana (HIV). Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 23, n.1, p. 25-37, jan./jun. 1994. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/20031/11603>.0301-0406http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/11627Since 1986, when the first AIDS patient was admitted, the Hospital of Tropical Diseases hás been following up heallh care workers for occupational exposure (o AIDS. From July,1986 to October,1992 fíve hundred seventy-nine AIDS patients wcre admitted and 37 occupational exposures were notified; 22 of them due to biologk-al specimens of AIDS patients. Percutaneous exposures were more (12 times) and tln-y resulted from needle - sticks in 17 cases. The fingers were more frequently exposcd. Health care workers with these exposures included especially nurses (tecbnicians and auxiliaries). They were tested for HIV antibodies on exposure and 3 and 6 monlhs after. At this time 13 health care workers have been tested at least 180 days aftcr exposure, 3 have had only the first test and the others haven't completed the follow up yet. Seroconversions have not been identified. And none of the health care workers have shown clinicai symptons consistent with acute HIV infection.porAcesso AbertoInfecção hospitalarExposição ocupacionalHospitalar infectionOccupational exposuresAcompanhamento clínico-Sorológico de profissionais de saúde expostos a materiais biológicos de pacientes portadores de vírus de imunodeficiência humana (Hiv)Clinicai and serological foi Io w up of health care workers with occupational exposures to biológical specimens of AIDS patientsArtigo