2014-11-102014-11-102013SILVA, Erinéia Maria Alves da. Repositórios institucionais de órgãos dos poderes legislativo, judiciário e das funções essenciais à justiça: uma análise em foco. 2013. 127 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/4306This research deals with the institutional repositories (IRs) of the Brazilian legislative, judicial and essential justice functions in a federal level. It focuses into institutional repositories (IRs) deployment and implementation purposes. The objectives were to verify the existence of institutional repositories in legal powers’ organs, to point out initiatives to implementation and also to indicate deployment. The main issues deal with the open access movement and essential statements, open access repositories way, digital repositories, institutional repository and open access movement to government information. This is a descriptive study that used the survey technique with a quantitative approach. Online questionnaires were the data collection resource. The survey respondents were from the bodies of legislative and judicial Brazilian institutions and also from the justice essential functions. The main results show that most respondents know about institutional repository and also that they are following the open access movement. Regarding the deployment and implementation of this feature, there were five confirmations and one indication an experimental stage. As a conclusion, it can be said that the legal public agencies are engaged in this new idea of open philosophy. So there is a perspective of providing legal information in digital format to brazilian society from these government agencies’ actions through the institutional repositories’ development.porAcesso abertoRepositório digitalRepositório institucionalMovimento de acesso abertoÓrgão público jurídicoInformação jurídicaRepositórios institucionais de órgãos dos poderes legislativo, judiciário e das funções essenciais à justiça: uma análise em focoMonografia