2023-09-042023-09-042023-08-18OLIVEIRA, Maria Gabriela Caetano de. Desafios para o futebol feminino: o que diz a literatura?. 2023. 60 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Educação Física) - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/23552The objective of this study was to characterize, in light of the production of academic-scientific knowledge, the challenges faced by women's football in Brazil, as well as to describe and comment on the measures, policies and legalizations adopted by the entities responsible for organizing football to promote development. of the modality. To achieve this purpose, the history of women's football in Brazil was described, the description and reflection on the challenges, and the organizational strategies of football composed and played by women. The study was carried out using bibliographic research with an exploratory character and a qualitative approach. The search for the literature was through the repository of academic textual materials Google Scholar, using “women's football” as the descriptor, restricted to the title and works published from 2013-2022. In view of the analysis, it was possible to verify that there are significant challenges that are faced by women in Brazilian football, ranging from their entry to their permanence in this practice. The first point perceived and identified in the studies is the prejudice against women in this space, which is pointed out as a precursor to all other challenges. The second is about the formation of new athletes considering the lack of base categories and schools for the female public, and also the scarcity of competitions. The third concerns the professionalization of women's football, which can still be considered an amateur modality and informal work. And, finally, the lack of visibility that the Brazilian media gives to women's football. In view of this, some measures have been adopted by organizations for the modality to develop, however, it is concluded that even with the improvements due to the imposed measures, women still find obstacles to access, to remain (as players and in management positions) and become professional in this practice, which demonstrates that there is still much to be done.porAcesso AbertoFutebol femininoHistóriaDesafiosMulheresWomen's soccerHistoryChallengesWomenDesafios para o futebol feminino: o que diz a literatura?Challenges for women's football: what does the literature say?TCC