2024-08-212024-08-212024-08-01CASTRO, André Luiz Martins; FERREIRA, Lara Rebeca Alcebíades. Estudo de transitórios eletromagnéticos por meio de simulações nos softwares Simulink/MATLAB e Script/MATLAB. 2024. 165 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/25360This final graduation project examines electromagnetic transients in systems modeled as RL and RLC circuits. Initially, the switching of an RL circuit with two resistors, two inductors, and a voltage source is analyzed. The initial analysis occurs before the switching, with no circulating current for the ground fault, considering the circuit as a resistor in series with an inductor and a voltage source. After switching, the circuit is divided into two parts: one with the voltage source and the other with only a resistor and an inductor in series. Subsequently, the study addresses the switching of a series RLC circuit with a voltage source. Initially, there is a switching between the source and the RLC circuit, which generates a current composed of a homogeneous solution and a particular solution. The graphs of natural frequency and damping in different phases of the voltage source are analyzed. Additionally, an analysis of the graphs of the magnitude and phase of the equivalent impedance of the RLC circuit is performed. The study explores fundamental concepts of RL and RLC circuits, highlighting the implications of the resistor on the system's response, such as the dissipation of transient energy. Furthermore, the importance of choosing component values is emphasized, as they directly affect the circuit's response. Analyses are conducted using MATLAB software with its Script and Simulink work environments. In the Script method, the circuit's mathematical equations and provided values are used, generating graphs for the analysis of steady-state and transient currents. Simulink allows for the drawing and simulation of the circuit, obtaining relevant graphs for the analysis. The project contributes to the understanding of electromagnetic transients, their causes and impacts, and the importance of effective protection measures. It demonstrates the application of numerical methods and simulation tools to study transient behavior in electrical circuits, providing a solid foundation for future research and practical applications in electrical engineering.porAcesso AbertoTransitorios eletromagnéticosMATLABSimulinkScriptChaveamentos de circuitos RL e RLCTransients electromagneticSimulinkScriptRL and RLC circuit switchingEstudo de transitórios eletromagnéticos por meio de simulações nos softwares Simulink/MATLAB e Script/MATLABTrabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (TCCG)