2021-07-132021-07-132012-06ARAUJO, Márcia Maria de Melo; FONSECA, Pedro Carlos Louzada. A poesia trovadoresca e a imagem da mulher na cantiga de amigo. Uniletras, Ponta Grossa, v. 34, n. 1, p. 37-47, jan./jun. 2012.e- 1983-34310101-8698http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19675This study aims at investigating troubadour poetry and the female image in Cantigas d’amigo dos trovadores galego-portugueses, assembled by José Joaquim Nunes. The article compares the main reading sources on the view of women in the Middle Ages, especially on aspects that point out the marginalization of women in troubadour poems. Referring to the cantiga de amigo may allow us to characterize and recover the dynamics of the female path in a literary panorama exclusively centered on androcentric prerogatives. Thus, it may also allow us to place women or the space they occupy in literature, their image and questionings through lyric poetry. The cantiga acts as a source for the analysis of that profile and contributes to the understanding of medieval thought and its traces in the contemporary world.porAcesso AbertoCantiga de amigoIdeologyImage of womenCantiga de amigoImagem da mulherIdeologiaA poesia trovadoresca e a imagem da mulher na cantiga de amigoTroubadour poetry and the image of women in the cantiga de amigoArtigo10.5212/uniletras.v34i1.4620