2021-06-252021-06-252021-06-12SANTANA, Adalcely César; TOLÊDO, Aparecida Cássia de Lima; SANTOS, Daniela Braga; SILVA, Klayton Rodrigues. Reflexões e desafios do processo de adaptação das práticas docentes de Artes Visuais no contexto da pandemia Covid-19 na cidade de Itaberaí-GO. 2021. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Artes Visuais, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19628After the advance of Covi-19 pandemic, the government decreed a public emergency, suspending classroom classes in all schools in the state of Goiás. With this, teachers sought strategies such as online classes, offering printed blocks of activities for students without internet acess, among other actions, as a way to guarantee the continuity of teaching and learning under the new sanitary conditions. Thus, the work aims to understand the main challenges faced by visual arts teachers in elementary school II, in emergency remote education in the Covid-19 pandemic situation, in the city of Itaberaí-GO. Therefore, it will seek to know the reality of teachers in the municipal network through an online interview through the application of questionnaire to teachers, analyzing the yse of new pedagogical tools and the way in which students participate in remote education.porAcesso AbertoEnsino remotoEnsino-aprendizagem de ArtesEducação na pandemia de Covid-19Remote learningTeaching-learning of ArtsEducation in the Covid- 19 pandemicReflexões e desafios do processo de adaptação das práticas docentes de Artes Visuais no contexto da pandemia Covid-19 na cidade de Itaberaí-GOTCC