2018-01-252018-01-252000ARAÚJO, L. F.; CAFÉ, M. B.; JUNQUEIRA, O. M., ARAÚJO, C. S. S.; MOGYCA, N. S. S.; CUNHA, M. I. R. Diferentes níveis de debicagem para frangas comerciais. ARS Veterinária, Jaboticabal, v. 16, n. 1, p. 46-51, 2000.e- 2175-01060102-6380http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13513The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of beak trimming levels on the performance of commercial pullets. In the first period (0-7 weeks), 288 Isa Babcock pullets with nine days of age were used. The experimental design involved 3 treatments (no beak trimming, slight beak trimming and severe beak trimming) with 4 replications per treatment. Traits measured were weight gain, uniformity, occurrence of cannibalism and feed intake. In the second period (8-17 weeks), the same 288 pullets, 12 weeks old were used again in a 3x3 factorial design (first beak trimming x second beak trimming), with 4 replications of 8 pullets each. Feed intake and mean weight of pullets in the period of 12 at 17 weeks of age were measured. The results showed that no beak trimming (in the first period, resulted in greater feed intake, cannibalism rate and less uniformity. In the second period, no beak trimming resulted in greater feed waste and greater weight, although this weight was lower than the strain standard.porAcesso AbertoDebicagemFrangas de reposiçãoBeak trimmingPulletsDiferentes níveis de debicagem para frangas comerciaisBeak trimming levels for pulletsArtigo