2022-03-282022-03-282019-01-27AMARAL, Tatiana Gondim do; ZALAF , Felipe Schmaltz; TEIXEIRA, Lara Gomes Fleury . Análise da aplicação da ferramenta Lean Construction Assessment Tool (LCAT) em uma empresa construtora goiana. Revista Eletrônica de Engenharia Civil, Goiânia, v. 15, n. 2, p. 151-166, 2020. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/reec/article/view/54260.2179-0612http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20506Companies are investing in improvements in the quality of their product and executive process and in reducing losses and costs. The awakening on Lean Thinking and its application possibilities becomes important as a philosophy that can improve performance and reduce production waste. Lean construction has not yet been widely disseminated in Brazil, many companies that do not apply their practices or do not use them to their full potential. Given the above, the main goal of this work is to apply the Lean Construction Assessment Tool (LCAT), developed by Camargo Filho (2017) and, through this application, to diagnose the lean score of a construction company and to analyze if the change of managers between enterprises of the same company influences the lean level from the company. The research classification is qualitative-quantitative, applied, exploratory and case study. Through the application of the questionnaire in the chosen company, we noticed that there are several lean practices being applied. Not all practices were applied in the same way by managers, there was a divergence in 25% of the analyzed items, which shows the great influence that managers have on the lean level of the company. The company's lean score was 58%, which, according to Camargo Filho (2017), means that the company has an average level of lean deployment.porAcesso AbertoLeanProdução enxutaConstrução enxutaMétodos avaliativosPensamento enxutoLean productionLean constructionEvaluation methodsLean thinkingAnálise da aplicação da ferramenta Lean Construction Assessment Tool (LCAT) em uma empresa construtora goianaAnalysis of the application of the tool Lean Construction Assessment Tool (LCAT) in a construction company in GoiásArtigohttps://doi.org/10.5216/reec.v15i2.54260