2023-01-192023-01-192018SALIM, José Augusto; SARAIVA, Antonio Mauro; AGOSTINI, Kayna; WOLOWSKI, Marina; VEIGA, Allan; SILVA, Juliana Saragiotto; CARVALHEIRO, Luisa G. Brazilian network on plant-pollinator interactions: an update on the initiative of a standard for plant-pollinator interactions data. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Sofia, v. 2, e25343, 2018. DOI: 0.3897/biss.2.25343. Disponível em: https://biss.pensoft.net/article/25343/. Acesso em: 13 jan. 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21779engAcesso AbertoBrazilian network on plant-pollinator interactions: an update on the initiative of a standard for plantpollinator interactions dataArtigo10.3897/biss.2.25343