2019-02-152019-02-152008-12OKADA, Sionara Ioco; SOUZA, Eliane Moreira Sá de. Análise da competitividade do biodiesel no centro-oeste brasileiro. Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, Taubaté, v. 4, n. 4, p. 98-120, set./dez. 2008.e- 1809-239Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17074This issue aim identify the pottenciality and weaknesses the Biodiesel’s chain management in Brasilian middle west, and analyses the key factors of competitivity, contributing to Strategic management. This study offer an overview of the systemic and competitive dimension, into macro and micro environmental, applied in biodiesel’s chain, with Pest analyses and the five forces – Porter’s model. The results of this research points to a positive change in Agroindustrial’s system - SAG’s biodiesel’s scenery; this change depends on the formulation and correct implementation of systematic and continuous strategics plans. There is then a need for a public and policy articulation to increase the productive chain, together with the mobilization of the private plant factor.porAcesso AbertoGestão estratégicaCompetitividadeBiocombustíveisBiodieselStrategic planningCompetitivityBiofuelsAnálise da competitividade do biodiesel no centro-oeste brasileiroA competitivity analysis of biodiesel’s productive chain in brasil’s middler westArtigo