2019-04-102019-04-102017-02CARVALHO, Willer Luciano; LEITE, Poliana de Sousa; NASCIMENTO, Heitor Pereira do. O processo evolutivo do transporte escolar rural brasileiro no modo rodoviário. Revista Eletrônica de Engenharia Civil, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 1, p. 118-127, 2017. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/reec/article/view/42400/pdf>.e- 1279-0612http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17388Brazilian students, especially those living in rural areas face a number of difficulties to education access, such as long commutes between home and school. The offer of free school transport service is essential in this process to ensure a constitutional right. Thus, the Federal Government created the program "Road to School", which aims to fleet renewal, as well as studies, along with federal universities, to better understand the service reality, and improve the system. Thus, this study aims to assess the development of rural school transportation in Brazil since the implementation of the Road to School program and the development of studies from 2005 by the National Fund for Education Development - FNDE with the support of universities. Thus, a field survey covering the entire Brazilian territory was held, coordinated by the FNDE, and the Federal University of Tocantins, where they surveyed 450 municipalities, allowing characterize the rural school transportation in Brazil. Thus, the work reaches its goal to show the evolutionary process of this service over the years, indicating the effects of the implemented public policies.porAcesso AbertoTransporte escolar ruralCaminho da escolaTransporte escolaPlanejamento de transporteAvaliação em transporteRural schoolTransportationRoad to schoolSchool transportationTransport ratingO processo evolutivo do transporte escolar rural brasileiro no modo rodoviárioThe evolutionary process of the brazilian rural school transportation in road transportArtigo10.5216/reec.v13i1.42400