2020-01-292020-01-292015-12HENNING, Carlos Eduardo; DEBERT, Guita Grin. Velhice, gênero e sexualidade: revisando debates e apresentando tendências contemporâneas. Mais 60: estudos sobre envelhecimento, São Paulo, v. 26, n. 63, p. 8-31, dez. 2015.e- 2358-6362http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18587This paper aims to present the key trends that have emerged in researches regarding old age and gender in the last decades. It also address some of the main contemporary developments in this field, especially in what concerns the ways in which aging, gender, and more recently sexuality have been thought when the “process of eroticization of old age” is discussed. Finally, it also presents some critical reflections on a relatively new field in North America, which, in turn, also mobilizes knowledges, discourses and public policies associated with old age, gender and sexuality: the LGBT gerontology.porAcesso AbertoGêneroSexualidadeErotização do envelhecimentoGerontologia LGBTGenderSexualityEroticization of old ageLGBT gerontologyVelhice, gênero e sexualidade: revisando debates e apresentando tendências contemporâneasArtigo