2023-08-212023-08-212023-02-28BARROS, Gustavo Chuc Gomes de. As Similaridades da engenharia e o mercado financeiro: um estudo analítico sobre a atuação do engenheiro no ramo financeiro. 2023.40 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/23339During the undergraduate course, engineering students go through several challenges and many are unable to graduate, opting to withdraw from the discipline or change their undergraduate course. However, for those who manage to reach the end and obtain the diploma, the possibilities are diverse in the job market, one of which is still not widespread during graduation, which is in the Financial Market. The branch requires several skills, both technical and behavioral, that the engineer naturally presents easily: developed logical reasoning, systemic vision, procedural thinking, search for efficiency of results and cost reduction, etc. This work, in a simplified way, consists of surveying and analyzing the reasons why a large number of engineers and engineering students look for the financial market to work in managerial positions instead of traditional positions of the course in industries and factories. The work will highlight the reasons why engineers are highly competitive in the labor market even in managerial/administrative positions and will present a survey of positions in a resource manager in Goiânia, to demonstrate the high diversity of engineers present in the financial market. In addition, it will explore the results of a questionnaire aimed at engineering students and graduate engineers related to each participant's interest related to the labor market and financial market.porAcesso AbertoEngenharia e o mercado financeiroVantagens técnicas e comportamentais do engenheiroMercado financeiroEngineering and the financial marketTechnical and behavioral advantages of the engineerFinancial marketAs similaridades da engenharia e o mercado financeiro: um estudo analítico sobre a atuação do engenheiro no ramo financeiroSimilarities of engineering and financial market: an analytical study on the performance of the engineer in the financial marketTCC