2020-04-072020-04-072019-12-12SANTOS, Josephy Dias. Análise do sistema fotovoltaico iImplementado no Centro de Aulas das Engenharias. 2019.153 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e da Computação - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18990This work has the main objective to analyze the generation of its own electricity through the grid-connected photovoltaic system (PV) installed at the Centro de Aulas das Engenharias (CAE) at the Colemar Natal e Silva Campus through an energy efficiency notice opened by the local ENEL concessionaire, whose Federal University of Goiás was contemplated by the P&DI 656 project. The power generation analysis of the own generation took place in a secondary way, where some parameters for the month of September were analyzed, such as: steady state voltage, power factor, harmonic distortions of current and voltage and voltage unbalance. The analysis of the own generation took place in a detailed way where they were approached: the way of the sun to the city of Goiânia-GO, presentation and use of data from the meteorological station installed in Bloco B of the Engineering square, a study of local irradiation based on the history of four years is the time the station was installed, comparison of solar radiation data provided by the local station and traditional sources such as Radiasol, SUNDATA and PVSyst, design conditions, analyzing compliance with national and international operating conditions. A comparison between both forms of operation of the inverter, building orientation, power generation study, performance rate analysis, temperature influences on generation, ways of power generation compensation and investment payback. At the end, conclusions were drawn about electric power generation by addressing the conditions of generation of SFV installed in CAE. This study is necessary since the proper operation of the inverter and photovoltaic modules are directly related to the power product and the functional analysis is crucial to determine if the operating conditions and designs are occurring and the return time of investment.porAcesso AbertoSistema fotovoltaicoSistema conectado à redeQualidade de energia elétricaPhotovoltaic systemGrid-connected systemElectric power qualityAnálise do sistema fotovoltaico implementado no Centro de Aulas das EngenhariasTCC