2018-01-232018-01-232010-06SERPA, Élio Cantalicio; CAMPIGOTO, José Adilçon. Filologia da civilização brasileira: a proposta de Afonso Arinos de Mello Franco. ArtCultura, Uberlândia, v. 12, n. 20, p. 199- 216, jan./jun. 2010.1516-8603e- 2178-3845http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13494Afonso Arinos de Mello Franco´s state- ments about the Brazilian civilization conduct this text. The book named Concept of Brazilian Civilization, published in 1936, is the main historical source used. Although provisory, we have denominated Arinos´s work as “philology of Brazil”, because of the starting point adopted by the author, who regarded the coeval Brazilian intellectuality, the fundamental interlocutor of his reflections, as “obscure and without complexity”, and his time as a moment of “intellectual disorder”. Arinos set himself the task of eliminating those misunderstandings through conceptual re-elaborations in a political perspective settled in the Empire time, as well as ru- led by a meaning of uniting the cultural diversity.porAcesso AbertoCivilização brasileiraIdentidadeBrazilian civilizationidentityCulturasCulturesFilologia da civilização brasileira: a proposta de Afonso Arinos de Melo FrancoArtigo