2021-09-292021-09-292020-06TEMER, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessôa; TUZZO, Simone Antoniaci. Exportação ou consumo: aspectos da televisão brasileira na crise da carne bovina. Panorama, Goiânia, v. 10, n. 1, p. 31-35, jan./jun. 2020.e- 2237-1087http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19932By the end of 2019, the average Brazilian had to undergo a drastic change in eating habits thanks to the astounding rise in the price of beef, a once basic item in traditionalBrazilian diet. Thus, newscasting and enterntainment programs both started to include in their schedule information regarding price, buying strategies and recipes, as well asinformation about how to act in a period of changing expenditure habits. This article then makes an analysis of the way in which this content serve as a modal – or aconducting element – to the introduction of new expenditure and eating habits. With that goal in mind, newscasting programs from the state of Goias were analyzed– as thatis a state traditionally associated with a history of cattle production, as well as nationwide morning news programs and service-type stories inserted into entertainmentprograms aimed mostly at a female audience.porAcesso AbertoCarneBrasilModalTelejornalTelevisãoBeefBrazilModalNews castingTelevisionExportação ou consumo: aspectos da televisão brasileira na crise da carne bovinaExprot or expenditure: aspects of brazilian television in the beef crisisArtigo10.18224/pan.v10i1.8354