2022-03-172022-03-172020-07-25MARTINS, Ricardo Marinelli; GUARATO, Rafael. Tranransperformance coletiva: bizarrices e não-binarismos provocados no (e a partir do)corpo que performa. Arte da Cena, Goiânia, v. 6, n.1,p. 247-273, jan./jul. 2020. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/artce/article/view/64197.2358-6060http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20398This text is the presentation of a bold proposal: to think of a post-genre society, in less categorizing ways of sharing existence, having the art of performance as a resource. Based on this premise and the theories proposed by Judith Butler (gender performativity) and Jacques Rancière regarding the construction of fictions and a “sharing of the sensible”, we analyzed Collective transperformance, which are group performances based on the process of poetic construction-experimentation of the trans image. And the goal? Fire the genre. In the identity. In the little box we never fitinto.porAcesso AbertoNão-binariedadeContrassexualidadePerformancePerformatividade de gêneroPartilha do sensívelNon-binaryCounter-sexualityGender performativitySharing the sensitiveTransperformance coletiva: bizarrices e não-binarismos provocados no (e a partir do) corpo que performaCollective transperformance: bizarrics and non-binarisms caused in (and from) the performing bodyArtigo10.5216/ac.v6i1.64197