2021-05-112021-05-112009-12TEMER, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa. De tudo um pouco: o telejornalismo e a mistura dos gêneros. Anuário Unesco/Metodista de Comunicação Regional, São Paulo, v. 13, n. 13, p. 97-111, jan./dez. 2009.1809-435Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19473This text is part of a research on television, genres, and interactivity. It analyzes the hybridization processes between television news casting and the new hybrid genres that have emerged in the Brazilian television, particularly the news casting’s contamination by emotional language and service, as well as the use of news casting resources by genres usually centered in entertainment and humor. The study is based on Content Analysis and the study of television genres based on a reinterpretation of the television news casting commitment and its connection to public interest.porAcesso AbertoGênerosTelejornalismoHibridizaçãoGenreNewsHybridizationDe tudo um pouco: o telejornalismo e a mistura dos gênerosA bit of everything: television news casting and the mixing of genresArtigo10.15603/2176-0934/aum.v13n13p97-111