2017-12-182017-12-182013-12PRADO, Yandra Cassia Lobato do; PIMENTA, Vanessa de Sousa Cruz; ARAÚJO, Luciana Batalha de Miranda; ARAÚJO, Eugênio Gonçalves de. Papel de proteínas motoras na plasticidade sináptica. Neurobiologia, Recife, v. 76, n. 3-4, p. 123-140, jul./dez. 2013.e- 1807-98650028-3800http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13209Neuronal plasticity is an intrinsic property of the nervous system (NS) which is retained throughout life. Morphophysiological knowledge of the neuron, the nature of their synaptic connections and organization of associative brain areas allows better understanding of neuronal plasticity. Neurons have the capacity to organize the internal components, taking a variety of shapes and performing coordinated cytoskeleton-dependent movements in response to stimuli. Among the motor proteins stands myosin-V, one unconventional myosin important in many aspects to essential cell physiology processes such as membrane transport, and maintenance of cellular structure, linked to signaling pathways as well as aspects of the process of plasticity, such as segregation and generation of subcellular compartments.porAcesso AbertoAprendizagemMiosinasSinapsesLearningMyosinsSynapsesPapel de proteínas motoras na plasticidade sinápticaRole of motor protein in sinaptic plasticityArtigo