2023-04-102023-04-102023-02-23GONÇALVES, Karolini Ferreira. Despertar para as plantas: contribuições da educação ambiental para superação da cegueira vegetal. 2023. 29 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Pedagogia) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22277This study aims to discuss the importance of a true awakening for plants, and with a view to achieving this feat, we analyze the possible contributions arising from Environmental Education in overcoming the trend called plant blindness. The work discusses how this trend affects the perception and recognition of the relevance of plants, as fundamental living beings for the maintenance of life on Earth. Furthermore, throughout the present study, we bring Environmental Education to the discussion, with the aim of listing some of the collaborations of this perspective of education in mitigating the invisibility of plant life. The methodology used in this work was qualitative research, and the method for obtaining data, bibliographical analysis. Considering that our intention was to develop a study focused on the importance of perceiving and valuing plants, in the course of this work, we dedicated special attention to the problem of plant blindness, which certainly presents itself as one of the obstacles in the fulfillment of our purpose. The results of the discussions make it possible to identify factors that encourage this invisibility of plants, as well as alternatives to revert this regrettable scenario.porAcesso AbertoCegueira vegetalEducação ambientalPlantasSuperaçãoPlant blindnessEnvironmental educationPlantsResilienceDespertar para as plantas: contribuições da educação ambiental para superação da cegueira vegetalAwakening for plants: contributions of environmental education to overcoming vegetal blindnessTCC