2022-06-292022-06-292017BALTAZAR, Caroline Campanha; BRAGA, Claudomilson Fernandes; NOGUEIRA, Maria Francisca M. Communications of organizations and digital Influencers. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Arts and Humanities, London, v. 5, n. 2, p. 1-10, 2017.e- 2056-5887http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20889This article builds a theoretical reflection about the difficulties faced by communication being seen as a science. This is undoubtedly reflected in the communication process of organizations and the strategies used, such as digital influencers. The complexity of the subject is cover by invoking epistemological studies of communication, as well as those that stick to organizational communication and digital influencers. The discussion does not indicate a set and finished answer, as organizational communication is not limited to specific actions. On the contrary, it encompasses a much larger and more complex process that is not understood yet by those involved.engAcesso AbertoCommunicationEpistemologyOrganizational communicationDigital influencersInternetCommunications of organizations and digital influencersArtigo