2020-03-032020-03-032015-06CAMARGO, Robson Corrêa de. Máskara, uma aventura goiana. REBENTO: revista das artes do espetáculo, Barra Funda, n. 5, p. 285-290, jun. 2015.e- 2178-1206http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18789This paper reports some particularities in the process of building a collective group theater in the city of Goiania, between the years 2002- 2015. Presents some characteristics of Goiás theater and its complexity. Describes some performances of the Group Máskara and its adventures.porAcesso AbertoMáskaraTeatro de grupoTeatro goianoCollective group theaterTheater at GoiásMáskara, uma aventura goianaArtigo