2022-03-042022-03-042021-11-05OLIVEIRA, Arthur Damaceno de. A delinquência e o encarceramento feminino a dupla subalternização de um gênero. 2021. 71 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20277The present work aims to build, at first, a historical sketch, having Michel Foucault's arche-geanology as a reference, in the field of how criminology has understood female delinquency over time, the discourses that involved it and what is the influence of this construction history in relation to the female body in the process. In this sense, it is fundamentally emphasized the analysis of how the process of domination over the female subject promotes the causes of delinquency and leads them to the level of maximum vulnerability, which is the incarceration situation, as well as the woman who reproduces it. behavior in the prison environment in relation to other inmates. In this sense, we sought to contribute to the deconstruction of much of what still persists in this field. Still, as an analytical proposal for the study of the phenomenon of delinquency and female incarceration, we start from a post-structuralist perspective, approaching concepts such as domination, control, symbolic violence, Power, power relations, resistance, objectification, subjectivation, docilization of bodies, among others. Finally, using discourse analysis as a tool, the narratives of a former prisoner add to what has already been discussed in the theoretical field. Thus, from the participant's speech clippings, some analyzes were possible, such as: the strength of discourse, power, objectification, subjectivation and toxic masculinity that acts on the female identity and molds her as a subject.porAcesso AbertoEncarceramentoDelinquênciaFemininoMulherDiscursoSujeitoIncarcerationDelinquencyFeminineWomanSpeechSubject.A delinquência e o encarceramento feminino: a dupla subalternização de um gêneroTCC