2023-02-242023-02-242023-02-13ABADIA, Felipe Davy Fernandes do Carmo. Educação Física e Ensino Remoto no CEPAE: uma análise a partir do ensino desenvolvimental. 2023. 96 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Educação Física) – Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21938This work consists of an analytical case study, which sought an approximation with the critical-dialectical method, aiming to analyse the limits and possibilities of the pedagogical instrument "study script" from the concept of activity in the perspective of developmental teaching. The problematic of the research is defined in how the pedagogical instrument "study script" can contribute to the formation of children in school phase, through the contributions of Davydov. For this, it tried to identify the bibliography and trajectory of Davydov to didactics, highlighting the concepts of study activity and substantive generalization of theoretical knowledge. Then, to understand the context of the pedagogical practice, discussing the teaching structure of the college of application CEPAE, as well as the profile of the classes of 1st year and the project of teaching of Physical Education for this class, concluding with the adaptation to the model of remote teaching during the pandemic of the virus of COVID-19. The analyses of the scripts were carried out based on the presence of the study activity and conceptual generalizations about the objects of knowledge of the corporal culture. Finally, it is concluded that the study scripts are relevant to the discipline of Physical Education regarding the systematization of theoretical concepts present in the various manifestations of body culture.porAcesso AbertoEducação Física escolarEnsino desenvolvimentalRoteiros de estudoAtividade de estudoSchool Physical EducationDevelopmental educationStudy scriptsStudy activityEducação Física e ensino remoto no CEPAE: uma análise a partir do ensino desenvolvimentalPhysical Education and remote teaching in CEPAE: an analysis from the developmental teachingTCC