2020-02-112020-02-112008-04PECHINCHA, Mônica Thereza Soares. A proteção da cultura ao sujeito transeunte: uma entrevista com Jorge Terena. Tellus, Campo Grande, v. 8, n. 14, p. 61-86, abr. 2008.e- 2359-1943http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18638The article aims at presenting the interpretation of Jorge Terena of the circumstances of his premature entrance and lasting insertion into the evangelical world and of his definitive break with the belief and with the mission. The arising analysis has in mind, as basic themes, anthropoligical controversies around the question of the indigenous conversion as well as the relaltionship between religious transit and decolonization.porAcesso AbertoReligiãoIdentidadeDiscurso indígenaReligionIdentityIndigenous discourseA proteção da cultura ao sujeito transeunte: uma entrevista com Jorge TerenaThe protection of the culture of the passing subject: an interview with Jorge TerenaArtigo10.20435/tellus.v0i14.150