2018-02-272018-02-272013MIGUEL, M. P.; SOUZA, M. A.; CUNHA, P. H. J.; COSTA, G. L.; ABUD, L. J. Intoxicação crônica por cobre em ovinos: conduta para o diagnóstico conclusivo. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizonte, v. 65, n. 2, p. 364-368, 2013.e- 1678-4162http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13814The present work describes the clinical signs and anatomopathological findings of chronic copper toxicities in a Texxel breed sheep and defines the optimal diagnostic procedure for confirmation of the disorder. A sheep was sent to pathology analysis service with a history of apathy, hemoglobinuria and death within two to three days. Necropsy showed jaundice and subcutaneous edema, enlarged yellow liver and dark kidneys. The histologic examination showed random zonal necrosis, marked necrosis in the liver and tubular epithelial and orange-brown spotted hyaline cylinders in the collecting tubules of the kidneys. The dietary history, sensitivity of species/breed, clinical, macroscopic and microscopic alterations suggested the framework of chronic copper poisoning. Diagnostic confirmation was only possible after staining copper pigments trough the Ulzmann technique and quantification of copper in the dry liver and kidney, which were higher than normal levels.porAcesso AbertoHemóliseHemoglobinúriaHistoquímicaMétodos analíticosOvinosAnalytical methodsHemolysisHemoglobinuriaHistochemicalSheepIntoxicação crônica por cobre em ovinos: conduta para o diagnóstico conclusivoChronic copper toxicities in sheep: conduct for diagnostic confirmationArtigo10.1590/S0102-09352013000200010