2021-08-182021-08-182020-12-14MANOEL, Ricardo Jubé. Violação ao princípio constitucional da presunção de inocência: uma análise a partir da decisão do STF após o julgamento do habeas corpus nº 126292/SP (2016-2019). 2020. 170 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19777This paper intends to analyze the violation of the principle of presumption of innocence by the State and the setback that this represents for our legal system. We intend to analyze how the STF has dealt with this issue and its changes in positioning, which end up causing legal uncertainty by demonstrating a tendency of the Supreme Court to change its understandings in view of different interests and not respecting the constitutional text. We also intend to show the importance of maintaining the aforementioned principle as a way of guaranteeing rights and preventing injustices from being committed during the course of the process. In order to carry out our work, we used the judgment of HC 126.292 / SP, which allowed us to be detained after sentencing in the 2nd instance, in addition to analyzing other Supreme Court judgments and what the constitutional text and the Code of Criminal Procedure says. We also used extensive bibliographic research such as: Aury Lopes Júnior, Pedro Lenza, Guilherme Nucci, and others. This research aims to be able to contribute to those who seek information on this subject that is controversial, with people who defend and others who are vehemently against, the early fulfillment of a condemnatory sentence.porAcesso AbertoPresunção de inocênciaTexto constitucionalInjustiçasPresumption of innocenceConstitutional textInjusticesViolação ao princípio constitucional da presunção de inocência: uma análise a partir da decisão do STF após o julgamento do habeas corpus nº 126292/SP (2016-2019)Violation of the constitutional principle of presumption of innocence: an analysis based on the STF decision after the judgment of habeas corpus nº 126292/SP (2016-2019)TCC