2023-07-032023-07-032023-02-28SOUSA, Vitor Humberto Lobo de. Possibilidade e efeitos do reconhecimento do vínculo empregatício para o microempreendedor individual: o fenômeno da pejotização. 2023. 21 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) – Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22865This article seeks to understand what the pejotization phenomenon is, so that we can pay attention to the problems that replacing the formal contract with the hiring of MEI's can generate. This practice, very common in today's society, is a double-edged sword. While giving more freedom and autonomy to the employee, it also restricts his labor rights. With this, we arrive at the main objective of this article, which is to clarify the possibility and effects of recognition of the employment bond for the MEI. The methodological process was the use of the hypothesis that, in some cases, the employer uses pejotization to obtain advantagesin the employment relationship, hiring MEI's instead of CLT employees to avoid laborcharges. From this hypothesis, using the deductive method, it is understood that MEI's who felt harmed sought the Labor Court in order to obtain the employment bond to have access to theirlabor rights. And it is based on this scenario, the understanding of experts and decisions made by the Brazilian Judiciary, that we will clarify in which context the phenomenon of pejotization is bad for the employee, what is the possibility of obtaining an employment bond, even as a legal entity and without a formal contract, and what are the necessary requirements for the recognition of this employment bond, as well as the effects arising from this recognition. As a result, it was concluded that, by proving the requirements for recognition of the employment bond, it is indeed possible to recognize such a bond for a MEI. And the most relevant effect of this recognition is the employer ́s obligation to pay the foreseen labor rights that are pertinent to the specific case.porAcesso AbertoPejotizaçãoVínculo empregatícioMicroempreendedor individualDireito do trabalhoPejotizationEmployment bondIndividual microentrepreneurLaborLawPossibilidade e efeitos do reconhecimento do vínculo empregatício para o microempreendedor individual: o fenômeno da pejotizaçãoTCC