2022-07-112022-07-112012BARBOSA, Magno Emerson; OLIVEIRA, Adriana Olíva Sposito Alves. Climatologia e internet: análise e proposta metodológica para o ensino de Geografia no ensino médio. Revista Genorte, Manaus, v. 1, n. 5, p. 108-120, 2012. Edição especial 2.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20951The work in question is the result of a research of scientific initiation (PIVIC), where sought new contributions for Teaching Geography, specifically with the contents of Climatology facing the high school. The justification of this research is the search for new methodologies in teaching Geography with a view to, the few scientific productions that deal on the subject proposed, in the case the internet as a pedagogical instrument, and becomes are even more scarce when the productions deal with themes that concerning to the physical-natural in Teaching Geography. This paper aims to point out a methodology that uses internet as a pedagogical tool in teaching Geography, for high school students, identifying their specific content in climatological sites and ascertaining their possible applications in the classroom. To achieve its objectives, it was necessary to identify the contents climatological, and classifies them andanalyze them. From this it was possible to have the clarity and knowledge of the contents and sites that work with climatology, thus, are appropriate for school planning and how teaching resources for the teaching-learning process. The research fits into the parameters of scientific inquiry of qualitative research, specifically with the methodology: a case study. Using also the documentary research, to identify sites with contents climatological.From this identification, problems have been reported: For that were subdivided into groups according to their specificities, ie, the sites were presented in two categories according to the proposal of the work, and made a cut total of ten sites to be analyzed. The first group refers to sites that follow an educational proposal, in many cases this is evidenced by its context in Geography submit other content and / or even other school subjects. The second group of sites are the hallmark of institutional government, by presenting a more technical interface with data and information which support multidisciplinary work or research at different levels, and also under the criterion of scientific emplacements on its contents. So, parts of the information collected through questionnaires were seeking to verify information on aspects of the uses of the internet at the beginning and at the end of another research questionnaire specific contents of climatology and the internet as a research tool.Throughout the process the perception of the students' behavior was considered. Another element component in the data collection was the use of the methodology of participant observation, which allowed a greater closeness with students and consequently meeting the necessary adjustments to achieve the proposed work. However participant observation came as a need for the research, for in its constitution had the application of a didactic sequence, resulting in greater interference in the situation of research that will be discussed later. For both, the text begins with a discussion of the concept of content factual, conceptual, procedural and attitudinal (Zabala, 1998), ahead of the submission sites worked in research, being made a classification of types of content found on the internet of climatology. Then are the steps of the implementation of the teaching sequence with the propositions and criteria for the use of the Internet in the teaching-learning process. So who has the final consideration, gather these elements aimed to empower, enable new perspectives on an instrument, therefore, can contribute to civic education of students, as uniting the issues of climate and content of your existing resources on the internet, we have the possibility of intervening in an improvement in the teaching of Geography and training of individuals involved in the process of teaching and learning and how those involved can appropriate these funds for the construction of knowledge.porAcesso AbertoInternetEnsino de GeografiaClimatologia escolarClimatologia e internet: análise e proposta metodológica para o ensino de Geografia no ensino médioArtigo