2022-05-052022-05-052022-03-31BANDEIRA, Jordania Cardoso. Relações étnico-raciais na educação infantil: práticas pedagógicas para a igualdade racial. 2022. 77 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20709This study aimed to analyze the understanding, experiences, and advances related to school-pedagogical practices for racial equality in Early Childhood Education, seeking to contextualize the advances and limits in this stage of Basic Education. To this end, the work consisted of a documentary and bibliographical research. The first aimed to shed light on the ethnic-racial relations in Brazil, from some of the historical and conceptual elements, as well as to reflect on the construction of black identity in the country, specifically for young children in the Early Childhood Education age group, that is, from 0 to 5 years old. The second was useful in the analysis of the indicators and legal basis. The pedagogical practices against racism, prejudice and discrimination focused mainly on the need to break the influence of the myth of racial democracy in the school space, also, to build knowledge from looking at the real child in the institution; also focused on considering their issues, specificities, needs, potentialities, in order to meet them and from this, produce knowledge, adding to the recognition, affirmation and appreciation of differences, diversity, as well as historical and cultural elements of Africa, Africans and African descendants that should be presented and explored with young children in different ways. According to the research carried out, we identified the need to expand the research that deals specifically with race relations in Early Childhood Education, aiming to build alliances to disseminate the antiracist school-pedagogical practices developed in institutions of Early Childhood Education. Thus, this research points to the importance of encouraging, promoting, and providing continuing education for teachers and other professionals working in Early Childhood Education, in order to provide studies concerning the theme of Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations to be present, effective and transformative, and thus can contribute to the research and shared studies. Thus, we conclude that the problem of racism needs to be recognized and faced daily in all spaces, at all educational levels, starting with Early Childhood Education, it is essential teachers willing, committed, active, attentive on behalf of the anti-racist struggle that must be waged by the whole society.porAcesso AbertoPráticas pedagógicaRelações étnico-raciaisIdentidade negraEducação infantilPedagogical practicesEthno-racial relationsBlack identityEarly childhood educationRelações étnico-raciais na educação infantil: práticas pedagógicas para a igualdade racialEthnic-racial relations in early childhood education: pedagogical practices for racial equalityTCC