2022-05-102022-05-102022-04-06FRANÇA, Taynara Burjack de. Alfabetização escolar e digital: diálogos sobre a formação de escritores e leitores do século 21. 2022. 53 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20729Literacy in Brazil is associated, throughout its history, with the lettering process, and there is no distinction, in school practice, between what is literacy and what is lettering. This absence seems to interfere in the formation of the contemporary writer and reader, because, by not privileging school literacy, it also does so with digital literacy, with the lecture of lettering instead of school and digital literacy, which are sometimes coincident and sometimes not. Thus, this work has the general objective of investigating whether the literacy of the Portuguese language in the early years of elementary school is related to the knowledge about Digital Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), being two specific objectives, which consisted of analyzing the formation of the writer and reader in school and digital literacy and identify what are the new skills required in the formation of the contemporary writer and reader. The research problem was formulated in the following terms: how does the literacy of the Portuguese language occur in the early years of elementary school in dialogue with digital literacy? The methodological approach of this research is qualitative, and the study was developed through a literature review, prioritizing the analysis of certain books and online journals, having as theoretical references Soares (2004), Rojo (2007), Lalueza, Crespo, Camps (2010) and Kenski (2003). As a result, it was found that school and digital literacy occur in different spaces and each of them requires certain materials and purposes, but have as links the student, who uses the two spaces, and writing, the conventionalized graphic signs, as well as these can establish convergent modes, through YouTube, m-learning and transmedia narrative, among others. Thus, it was concluded that literacy must be initiated at school, since there are mediating teachers, curricula, and methodologies prepared for the teaching and learning of the conventionalized language, but, right after that, it is necessary to alphabetize for the digital environment, since we are part of a technological generation and, by human history, technology will not recede, but will bring more and more possibilities of evolution of the tools, their uses and, consequently, of the human capacities and transformations.porAcesso AbertoAlfabetização escolarAlfabetização digitalFormação do escritorLeitor contemporâneoSchool literacyDigital literacyFormation of the contemporaryWriter and readerAlfabetização escolar e digital: diálogos sobre a formação de escritores e leitores do século 21School and digital literacy: dialogues on the formation of 21st century writers and readersTCC