2018-01-192018-01-192001SANTOS, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos. O corpo dos pecados: as representações femininas nos reinos ibéricos. Textos de Historia, Brasília, v. 9, n.1/2, p. 13-30, 2001.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13469This paper points out to the female body "representations" in medieval lay and ecclesiastical texts from the iberian kingdoms of Leon, Castille and Portugal (1250-1350). The analysis of these female body images seeks to show the perennial association between women, body and sin in the social male imaginary. Furthermore it stresses the image of the female body as the nodal point for the women vision.porAcesso AbertoHistória/gêneroGalego-portuguêsMulherCantigas satíricasPenínsula IbéricaHistory/genderWomenSatiric songsIberian peninsO corpo dos pecados: as representações femininas nos reinos ibéricosArtigo