2021-06-232021-06-232011CRUZ, Juliana Moura da; CRUVINEL, Larissa Warzocha Fernandes. Série Vaga-Lume: um estudo da recepção. Building the Way: revista do curso de Letras da UnU-Itapuranga, Itapuranga, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-11, 2011.e- 2237-2075http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19620This article has as a priority to analyze the reception of the literature in the school public, with reading of the collection Série Vaga-Lume, created publisher Ática in the 70´s. this work of the Série Vaga-Lume to reach in the perception in the contemporany young reader. And it can study how it happens the reception the books to public youthful in the public school and the relationship with the pieces of work presents in the Série Vaga- Lume 1972.porAcesso AbertoLeituraRecepçãoSérie Vaga-LumeLiteraturaLearnSérie Vaga-LumeLiteratureReceptionSérie Vaga-Lume: um estudo da recepçãoArtigo