2018-02-162018-02-162014OMENA, Luciane Munhoz de; CARVALHO, Margarida Maria de. Morte e gênero em Sêneca: um diálogo com os vestígios da cultura material. Clássica: revista brasileira de estudos clássicos, Belo Horizonte, v. 27, n. 1, p. 223-244, 2014.0103-4316e- 2176-6436http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13653This article aims the understanding of the rela- tionships set between death and gender in the philosophical logos of Lucius Annaeus Seneca, as well as the presence of such relationships in the material culture; in order to do so, Epis- tulae Morales and Ad Marciam de Consolatione will be used. From there, we will make some critial reflections on the femi- nine aristocratic behaviour regarding prolonged mourning, thus, by analysing the practice of virtus, we wil understand the creation of behavioural feminine rules to the public ex- pression of pain and the insertion of more particular and emotional dimensions in the way they reminded of the dead in the Roman imperial court.porAcesso AbertoMorteFemininoLutoRomaVirtudeDeathFeminineMourningRomeVirtueMorte e gênero em Sêneca: um diálogo com os vestígios da cultura materialDeath and gender in Seneca: a dialogue with the vestiges of the material cutureArtigo10.24277/classica.v27i1.341