2018-04-242018-04-241998-12DALACORTE, Maria Cristina Faria. A noção dos professores de inglês sobre a abordagem comunicativa. Signótica, Goiânia, v. 10, n. 1, p. 109-122, jan./dez. 1998. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sig/article/view/7254/5139>.0103-7250http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/14609This study aims at determining to what extent the knowledge about the Communicative Approach affects the pratice of the fourteen English teachers investigated. Two questionnaires are used in this experiment. The first one aims at determining the teachers’ knowledge about the Communicative Approach. In the second questionnaire, the teachers are offered twenty different teaching situations with communicative and non-communicative techniques to be chosen. The results of these two questionnaires indicate the teachers’ knowledge about the Communicative Approach does not really influences their practice.porAcesso AbertoAbordagem comunicativaEnsino e aprendizagem de InglêsCommunicative approachEnglish teaching and learningA noção dos professores de inglês sobre a abordagem comunicativaArtigo10.5216/sig.v10i1.7254