2020-03-172020-03-172012-11OLIVEIRA, Vânia Dolores Estevam de. A “imaginação museal” dos folcloristas. Textos Escolhidos de Cultura e Arte Populares, Rio de Janeiro, v. 9, n. 2, p. 171-191, nov. 2012.e- 1981-9935http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18845The article points out the evidence of the “museum imagination” (chagas, 2003) in the thinking of leading folklore scholars, which resulted in the institutionalization of these studies in the creation, in 1958, of the Campaign for the Defense of Brazilian Folklore, cuporAcesso AbertoImaginação musealFolcloreMuseuMuseus de folcloreMovimento folclórico brasileiroMuseum imaginationFolkloreMuseumMuseum of folkloreFolkloric brazilian movementA “imaginação museal” dos folcloristasThe “museum imagination” of folkloristsArtigo10.12957/tecap.2012.10267