2020-01-022020-01-022010-06SILVA, Márcia Zebina Araújo da. Teleologia circular: a centralidade da vida em Hegel. Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Hegelianos, Recife, v. 1, n. 12, p. 76-90, jan./jun. 2010.e- 1980-8372http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18449In order to point out that life, as an inner purpose, serves as a model for structuring a system, we propose to clarify the distinction between external and internal teleology, and to indicate that the internal telos, which characterizes logic life and living organisms, appears as a return to oneself. Thus, there is a non-linear, circular motion, present in the whole of living nature.porAcesso AbertoTeleologia internaTeleologia externaVidaConceitoIdeiaInternal teleologyExternal teleologyLifeConceptIdeaTeleologia circular: a centralidade da vida em HegelArtigo