2021-11-192021-11-192021-11-09PINTO, Norberto Ferreira. Contribuições filosóficas do programa filosofia para crianças de Matthew Lipman. 2021. 82 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20034When we talk about philosophy, immediately comes to mind, people who has a sophisticated intellect, but who are these people? We always think of people who are in the habit of reading, reflecting, investigating and going into the field, that is, we imagine an individual who has a certain maturity to know how to deal with controversial situations and the withdrawal of decisions. Philosophy is a field of knowledge that helps those who study, in the way it supports, verifies and seeks the veracity of concepts and arguments in a clear, objective, logical and rational way. Therefore, I return to the begging of this text, with a question: why children are not seen and considered capable of philosophizing? It is evident that there was, and perhaps still has, a certain prejudiced attitude throughout the history of philosophy, which despises children's intellect to do philosophy. For this reason, we will analyze and run through Matthew Lipman's philosophical thinking through the Philosophy for Children program. Highlighting his contributions, especially philosophical, seeking theoretical support for the development and strengthening of higher-order reflective thinking in the cultivating and perfecting cognitive skills. Thereby, legalizing the efficiency of the program to start as children in philosophy. Throughout the study, we analyzed other theorists and thinkers who explored the theme of philosophy for children in the attempt to ensure that a philosophy when elaborated with / for a child contributes to individual and collective formation, in particular to reflective thinking of a higher order autonomously. They also make it clear that this is not a doutrination, but a study path that comprises the unknown and the known, as something that can be improved, as they are subject to re-examination and learning. We will investigate Lipman's pedagogical and philosophical program in its general appearance, presenting the components of its structure. Therefore, the path of this investigative study is that the contributions of the Philosophy for Children program by Matthew Lipman, facilitating the formation of the child's subject as it works with concepts related to morality, ethics, citizenship, law, politics, perception , investigation, judgment, reasoning, democracy, education and others. Therefore, themes that involve an individual's [of the child] sociopolitical educational structure.porAcesso AbertoMatthew LipmanFilosofia para criançasPensar reflexivoComunidade de investigaçãoHabilidades de pensamentoMatthew LipmanPhilosophy for childrenReflective thinkingResearch communityThinking abilitiesContribuições filosóficas do programa filosofia para crianças de Matthew LipmanTCC