2018-04-192018-04-191993-12FOERSTE, Erineu. A linguagem do absurdo (o sopro de Clarice Lispector). Signótica, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 41-56, jan./dez. 1993. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sig/article/view/7348/5213>.0103-7250http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/14568Clarice Lispector's aesthetics is analysed mainly from her short story • Amor•, where "the language of absurd" is focused as lhe author's creative axis, which has the non-word as a fictional urge. The alieoated buma.o existeoce wbicb searebes for an urgent self-liberation is discussed, am id the chaos produced by the tecboical-scientific hypertrophy of modernity. The sign of "the being"s absurd" heads. via a literary fruition, for a possible reconstruction of "the being-truth" by means of an expressed negation of fetish and by means of the crystallized conventional language of everyday life.porAcesso AbertoA linguagem do absurdo (o sopro de Clarice Lispector)Artigo10.5216/sig.v5i1.7348